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Requirements and Conditions for Scholarship


Type 1 (Full Scholarship)

Requirements and Conditions

-  Duration of 3 years from the first day of the academic year;

-  Waiver of tuition fees;

-  Monthly stipend of THB 10,000-;

-  Waiver of the Qualifying Examination fee for the 1st registration only.

1.Applicants must obtain a minimum cumulative 3.25 GPA in their Master’s Degree and 2.75 GPA in their Bachelor’s  Degree;

2.The recipients must work as directed by the Faculty or Institute  for 6 hours a week;

3.The scholarship will be immediately terminated should the cumulative grade-point of the recipient be less than 3.30 or the recipient leave the study;

4.The recipient’s leave of absence  for any semester shall result in immediate cancellation of the scholarship. If resigning from the Institute or cancelling the scholarship or terminating student status, the recipient shall reimburse the awarded scholarship in full to the Institute, unless the Committee considers otherwise;

5.In the event that scholarship recipients have to repeat any course, the tuition fee shall be paid by the  scholarship recipients for such course;

6.In the  event that scholarship recipients wish to enroll in any course beyond their study plan, the tuition fee shall be paid by the scholarship recipients for such course;

7.When the scholarship period ends, the student status retention fee shall be paid by scholarship recipients;

8.Copyrights in the dissertation shall be jointly owned by the scholarship recipients and the Institute for a period of five years;

9.The scholarship recipients have no rights to apply for any other scholarships of the Institute, except for the financial aids for research conduct and publication process allocated from the state budget;

10.The scholarship recipients shall be responsible for the entire processing fee for Dissertation revision;

11.The dissertation shall be published in the peer-reviewed academic journals at the international level. The proceedings of academic conferences are excluded;

12.Scholarship recipients who are international students shall abide by the health insurance policy stipulated by the Institute. If not, they forfeit their scholarship.

Type 2

Requirements and Conditions

-  Duration of 3 years from the first day of the academic year;

-  Waiver of tuition fees.


1.Applicants must obtain a minimum cumulative 3.25 GPA in their Master’s Degree and 2.75 GPA in their Bachelor’s  Degree;

2.The recipients must work as directed by the Faculty or Institute  for 6 hours a week;

3.The scholarship will be immediately terminated should the cumulative grade-point of the recipient be less than 3.30 or the recipient leave the study;

4.The recipient’s leave of absence  for any semester shall result in immediate cancellation of the scholarship. If resigning from the Institute or cancelling the scholarship or terminating student status, the recipient shall reimburse the awarded scholarship in full to the Institute, unless the Committee considers otherwise;

5.In the event that scholarship recipients have to repeat any course, the tuition fee shall be paid by the  scholarship recipients for such course;

6.In the  event that scholarship recipients wish to enroll in any course beyond their study plan, the tuition fee shall be paid by the scholarship recipients for such course;

7.When the scholarship period ends, the student status retention fee shall be paid by scholarship recipients;

8.Scholarship recipients who are international students shall abide by the health insurance policy stipulated by the Institute. If not, they forfeit their scholarship.

Type 3

Requirements and Conditions

-  Duration of 3 years from the first day of the academic year;

-  Partial tuition fees;

-  Not cover the administration fee, library fee, IT fee, and Qualifying Examination fee.

1.Applicants must obtain a minimum cumulative 3.25 GPA in their Master’s Degree and 2.50 GPA in their Bachelor’s  Degree;

2.The recipients must work as directed by the Faculty or Institute  for 6 hours a week;

3.The scholarship will be immediately terminated should the cumulative grade-point of the recipient be less than 3.30 or the recipient leave the study;

4.The recipient’s leave of absence  for any semester shall result in immediate cancellation of the scholarship. If resigning from the Institute or cancelling the scholarship or terminating student status, the recipient shall reimburse the awarded scholarship in full to the Institute, unless the Committee considers otherwise;

5.In the event that scholarship recipients have to repeat any course, the tuition fee shall be paid by the  scholarship recipients for such course;

6.In the  event that scholarship recipients wish to enroll in any course beyond their study plan, the tuition fee shall be paid by the scholarship recipients for such course;

7.When the scholarship period ends, the student status retention fee shall be paid by scholarship recipients;

8.Scholarship recipients who are international students shall abide by the health insurance policy stipulated by the Institute. If not, they forfeit their scholarship.


Doctoral Program in Economics,

School of Development Economics,

National Institute of Development Administration,

118 Seri-Thai Road, Klong-Chan, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240,Thailand.

Tel: +66 2727 3640, 2727 3176 Fax: +66 2375 8842

For Admission Information: phdecon@nida.ac.th